Other Immunisations

Q Fever Vaccine

Anyone requiring Q Fever screening/vaccination can make an appointment with Dr Jason Heise or Dr Murray Schofield at the Flynns Beach Medical Medical Centre.

Recommendations for Q Fever are people > 15 years of age who are at risk of infections including:

  • Abattoir workers
  • Farmers
  • Stockyard workers
  • Shearers
  • Animal transporters
  • Veterinarians
  • Veterinary nurses
  • Veterinary students
  • Professional dog and cat breeders
  • Agricultural college staff and students
  • Wildlife and zoo workers who work with high-risk animals
  • Animal refuge workers
  • Laboratory workers who handle veterinary specimens
  • Any other person exposed to high-risk animals, particularly cattle, camels, sheep, goats and kangaroo/including their products of conception such as placental tissue/birth fluids

People are recommended to have both serological and skin tests before Q Fever vaccination. Information on Q Fever can be found at www.qfeverfacts.com.au

Q Fever Vaccine